' Pech Merle - team


friends, family and of course...the dog.

“The most rewarding aspect of starting this winery is the tireless support and dedication we have gained from our friends and family.”
Our daughters Prudence and Hilary, Son–In law David and grand boys Anthony and Matthew have all taken time from their hectic lives to help us pour at events. They have the multiple poison oak outbreaks to showcase their sweat and determination in clearing and cleaning up the property for our new winery and tasting room. Anthony and Matthew have not been as helpful on the work side of things but their energy and laughter keep us amused throughout the toils.
Ivy, Our marketing and design muse from day one has given us the fresh and fun approach we envisioned when starting this brand. She took our convoluted and erratic thoughts and molded them with an innate sense of style onto a polished and irreverent storyboard for the Pech Merle Brand.

Billy & Erin,  professional wine folks with their day jobs have luckily befriended us and kept us on the straight and narrow path with their knowledge of distribution and state compliance.
Poss & Pam, our dearest friends have been bouncing along with us through all the hills, valleys and potholes that  building a winery in Sonoma County can generate.
Friends and part-timers, truly an amazing bunch. They give up their weekends for the opportunity to stand on concrete all day and share the Pech Merle story with our guests. They are vineyard owners, Highway Patrolmen, teachers, and lawyers all with one common trait; they love our wine. They add the infectious fun that is a Pech Merle event.

Hanzo the alertly aloof winery dog oversees us all. He emits a shrill scream when he detects a corked bottle and monitors all processes by multitasking from the vineyard through the winery and back again; dozens of times per hour.